Ny Adress..
Jag kände att den här adressen inte är så himla lätt att komma ihåg och det behövdes en liten update. Så nu kommer all uppdatering om Jessica Simpson ske på SWEETKISSES.
Jag ska försöka att få över alla inlägg dit eftersom man måste göra det manuellt, blogg.se kunde inte göra sånt tyvärr, inte braaaa. Så det kommer ta en himla massa tid, men det får de göra helt enkelt!
Men jag hoppas ni kommer följa bloggen dit iaf :) och så hoppas vi att Sweetkisses.net kommer igång igen.
Puss pusss
Sweetkisses.net ligger nere :((
Hoppas sidans ägare Joanna kan fixa det :(
Ny design..
Buda på Zambi
ZAMBI THE BABY ELEPHANT MODEL signed by Jessica Simpson to benefit Operation Smile.
This fluffy pink elephant stands out amongst the muted palettes of the African landscape with her soft, high pile fur of “bubble gum” and rose shades with bits of lower pile added for texture.
This one-of-a-kind figure is mounted on a unique, molded PROJECT ZAMBI base of simulated wood and features a moveable head, trunk, and ears. Overall dimensions are 8″ wide by 10″ tall by 14″ long, including 1.25″ thick base.
Jessica Simpson has signed one of the ears in black marker.
Click HERE to bid and support Jessica’s charity!
Source: eBay.com
Glöm inte att fortsätta svara på frågan vilken färg du tycker att Jessica Simpson bloggen ska ha i framtiden :)
Vilken färg tycker ni att bloggen ska ha?
Designen är freeeaky!
Kan ju nämna också att designen ser bäst ut i FireFox! IE borde bannas och läggas ner haha.
Nya designen är här..
Lite småpill kvar men de tar vi allteftersom. Höstig och mysig och ja jag vet att Jess inte har brunt hår längre, men dom bilderna var ju så höstiga och mysiga!
Ser något jätteknasigt ut så får ni gärna säga till.
Den gamla..
Designändring :)
Väldigt ledsen för dålig uppdatering..
Jess och ett fan
Detta var på Indiana State Fair förra Augusti!
Drew och Lea's dotter Isabella
Newlyweds maraton..
Tycker dom två sista bilderna är så roliga :D jag är också en riktig räddhare hahaha och skulle ha samma min som Jess
Billboard Ads
Grattis på 29:e - årsdagen Jess
I'm Back :)
FHM's De 100 Sexigaste Kvinnorna i Världen 2009
Number 32 - Jessica Simpson
Thanks to her excellent utilisation of tiny hotpants in The Dukes of Hazard and a refusal to make a music video that isn't outrageously sexy, Jessica Simpson is by far the hottest girl to ever think Buffalo wings were made from Buffalo.
From a young age, her curvaceous frame ensured she was too steamy for the Texan Christian pop scene she was destined to become a part of and she's become a fantastic reason to have a guilty interest in pop music.
She may not be welcome at Cowboys Stadium (her relationship with QB Tony Romo has led to her being labeled ‘Yoko Romo'), yet her naive girly charm and unspeakable good looks have made her a worldwide sensation.
I'm baack
Vill passa på att uttrycka min sorg om Michael Jacksons död. Vila i Frid Michael. Du var och kommer alltid vara en av världens största artister!
Tycker att Jessicas låt Let Him Fly är väldigt passande nu.
Bloggare träffade på Jess
Jag hade varit världens lyckligaste om jag råkade stöta på henne bara sådär :)
Hon och hennes man hade följt efter Tony Romo och hittade på Jess i andra änden hehehe.
So my husband has this amazing talent for spotting celebrities. I guess I'm oblivious, because I have literally walked by Tom Brokaw and Kareem Abdul Jabbar and didn't even know it until he pointed it out to me. So last night we decided to go to the mall simply to get out of the disaster zone which is currently my home. So as we are walking and talking I can tell Roger is no longer listening to me and as I try to get his attention he says, "Do you know who that is?" And of course, I don't. And he's like, "Kristy, that's Tony Romo!". So I take a closer look, and sure enough it's our very own Dallas Cowboy Quarterback Tony. So we start following him like a bunch of stalkers, and the funny thing is that no one else spotted them or better yet no one cared to follow them around like a bunch of crazy stalkers but the Brooks'. So we follow him into Barney's and guess who's there. Oh yeah you guessed it . . . . Jessica Simpson! So we hid behind some racks for a few minutes and listened. Jessica told Tony that Barney's was having a lot of great sales and that he should look around. Notice that Olivia is already showing signs of her father's talent.
Then from deep down, I got the courage to ask for a picture. Tony said that he would let Jessica handle that.
I have to say that they were both very gracious. We starting thinking about it afterwards and how much it really must suck to not even be able to go shopping without dweebs like us asking them for pictures. Anyway they were both very nice and even more attractive in person. My only regret was not handing them one of Juliana's cards with her website on them! Juliana was even wearing her Girl Power 2 Cure t-shirt! I should have ripped it off her and given her the t-shirt! Oh well, missed opportunity. Next time I will be ready.
Jess är med i Aftonbladet
5 anledningar varför Jess realityshow skulle bli lyckad
Skulle ni se showen?
This week, we learned that Jessica Simpson is planning a new reality show. With a working title of The Price of Beauty, the show will follow Jess around the world as she explores body image and conceptions of beauty. Could it be that after the Mom Jeans debacle, she has body image on the brain? And could it be that TPOB will turn out to be must-see TV? For five ways this show could turn out to be amazing, read more.
There's a high likelihood of priceless quotes
Jessica probably will never have another Chicken of the Sea moment, but let's hope for some good "platymapus"-style moments. Let's face it, the girl can be funny — especially because she knows how to laugh at herself.
. . . but Jess is older and wiser, too
Six years have passed since she did Newlyweds, and she's matured a lot. If she can explore different cultures' beauty ideals with a curious mind, this show might have some substance along with the silliness.
She's gonna be a Gonzo girl
Reports say that Jessica will subject herself to "shocking" beauty treatments. She's already admitted to having had Restylane injections, so can we expect more needles, prodding, and poking? Witnessing a bird poop facial could be funny, but she has the opportunity to show the not-so-pretty side of primping, too. Either way, it should provide some compelling footage.
She's got a few things to say
Frankly, it seems like Jessica is tired of people discussing her weight. (Who wouldn't be?) After being criticized for being "fat" — which is a stretch, and even if she were fat, so what? — she's probably ready to take on our culture's obsession with thinness. If she challenges our often-narrow vision of what it means to be beautiful, that could be powerful television.
Role model, hello!
Lots of girls look up to Jessica, and if she's able to present a diverse view of what it means to be beautiful, they could wind up feeling good about not looking "perfect." And that could be the show's biggest success of all.
Are you curious to see how this show unfolds? Will you be checking it out with me?
• Source: BellaSugar.com