Jess tar golf lektioner..
Jessica Simpson has asked Tiger Woods for golfing lessons.
The singer-and-actress - who has been sporting a seemingly fuller figure of late - wants to embrace a healthier lifestyle and so asked the US sportsman for tips.
A source said: "Jessica is taking it seriously. She even asked if Tiger Woods would give her some pointers, but he's been busy with his new baby."
As well as helping her to get in shape, Jessica, 28, thinks learning to play golf will bring her closer to her American football star boyfriend Tony Romo.
Tony is a huge fan of the pastime, so Jessica thinks it could be the perfect way for them to spent time together.
She has already signed up for a set of lessons, and has splashed out $8,400 on a Louis Vuitton golf bag and clubs to ensure she looks stylish as she learns.
• Source:
Haha passande med det avsnittet av Newlyweds under :D Check it ouuuut...
The singer-and-actress - who has been sporting a seemingly fuller figure of late - wants to embrace a healthier lifestyle and so asked the US sportsman for tips.
A source said: "Jessica is taking it seriously. She even asked if Tiger Woods would give her some pointers, but he's been busy with his new baby."
As well as helping her to get in shape, Jessica, 28, thinks learning to play golf will bring her closer to her American football star boyfriend Tony Romo.
Tony is a huge fan of the pastime, so Jessica thinks it could be the perfect way for them to spent time together.
She has already signed up for a set of lessons, and has splashed out $8,400 on a Louis Vuitton golf bag and clubs to ensure she looks stylish as she learns.
• Source:
Haha passande med det avsnittet av Newlyweds under :D Check it ouuuut...
Video från Strawberry Festival
Jag får gåshud :D fan vad grym hon är live. Sjukt!!
Hon sjunger:
These Boots are made for walking
You're My Sunday
Come On Over
Do You Know
Hon sjunger:
These Boots are made for walking
You're My Sunday
Come On Over
Do You Know
Intervju med Jessica Simpson
Singing, TV and film star Jessica Simpson, a Texas native who is close friends with Willie Nelson and Dolly Parton, hasn't let the mixed reaction to her foray into country music shake her faith in herself.
Simpson, who opens for Rascal Flatts on Thursday, March 12 in Phoenix, is thrilled that her first country album, "Do You Know," topped the country charts and that she's finally found what she calls her natural voice as a singer and songwriter.
She has hit some bumps in the six months since the CD's release, including a shaky performance last month in Michigan, not-great airplay for her second and third singles, tabloid coverage of her romance with Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo and, most recently, her weight.
But the latest concert reviews indicate Simpson, who has recorded two million-selling pop discs, is gaining confidence in performing before a new audience that views her with skepticism.
"It's important for country fans to know that I'm not just trying to come in and take their money for a CD," says Simpson, 28. "I wanted to prove that I'm doing something straight from the heart and . . . I completely made the jump to this type of music. It's a more organic way to express myself as a musician, and it's really the only way that I feel I can be understood as an artist." Read more.
Simpson, who opens for Rascal Flatts on Thursday, March 12 in Phoenix, is thrilled that her first country album, "Do You Know," topped the country charts and that she's finally found what she calls her natural voice as a singer and songwriter.
She has hit some bumps in the six months since the CD's release, including a shaky performance last month in Michigan, not-great airplay for her second and third singles, tabloid coverage of her romance with Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo and, most recently, her weight.
But the latest concert reviews indicate Simpson, who has recorded two million-selling pop discs, is gaining confidence in performing before a new audience that views her with skepticism.
"It's important for country fans to know that I'm not just trying to come in and take their money for a CD," says Simpson, 28. "I wanted to prove that I'm doing something straight from the heart and . . . I completely made the jump to this type of music. It's a more organic way to express myself as a musician, and it's really the only way that I feel I can be understood as an artist." Read more.

8:e Mars, Strawberry Festival
Här kommer lite bilder från senaste konserten i förrgår i Florida!
Fanns en video också men det var heeemskt ljud på den så kommer inte posta den här.

Fanns en video också men det var heeemskt ljud på den så kommer inte posta den här.

Jess öppnar i Memphis
3:e Mars i Memphis
Åhhh så vacker hon är, sjukt fint hår. Gillar detta bättre än de lockar hon brukar ha :)

Denver 28/2
En fanvideo från Jessica Simpson när hon uppträdde i Denver. Här sjunger hon You're My Sunday. I get goosebumps!
En artist som sjunger live ska ha all cred, verkligen. De kändaste sjunger nästintill aldrig live, bara playback. Men inte Jess, hon bevisar att hon verkligen kan sjunga
Och ikväll uppträder hon i New Orleans med Rascal Flatts.
En artist som sjunger live ska ha all cred, verkligen. De kändaste sjunger nästintill aldrig live, bara playback. Men inte Jess, hon bevisar att hon verkligen kan sjunga

Och ikväll uppträder hon i New Orleans med Rascal Flatts.
Jess vald till bästklädda i Februari 2009
Så himla skoj :D är så glad för Jess skull!
Despite her critics, Jessica Simpson continues to be a major beauty, style and fashion icon for women online. According to, a web site for women seeking solutions to beauty questions, the enterprising entrepreneur's hairstyle was viewed by the site's visitors more than any other celebrity hairstyle during February 2009. Ms. Simpson's various beauty and hairstyle photos are published at the site along with over 170 other popular female celebrities.
Simpson, who has focused her recent public appearances on live musical performances, had the most sought after hairstyle by BeautyRiot's February audience. Nicole Richie, January's Best Tressed according to visitors, came in at second place, and fellow songstress Kimberly Caldwell, of "American Idol" fame, came in third.
"Jessica Simpson is an undeniable beauty with one of the best heads of hair in the business, not to mention her great head for business," said's editor in chief, Kirsten Lambertsen. "Her personal accomplishments, and her courage to be herself despite outside pressure, resonate with BeautyRiot's audience."'s visitors also viewed the hairstyles of Katie Holmes, Ashlee Simpson and Rihanna, who came in at fourth, fifth and sixth place, respectively. Statistics were gathered from site traffic to during February 2009. Visitors to the site can view over 600 photos of celebrity hairstyles worn by over 170 different celebrities.
Källa: Sweetkisses
Despite her critics, Jessica Simpson continues to be a major beauty, style and fashion icon for women online. According to, a web site for women seeking solutions to beauty questions, the enterprising entrepreneur's hairstyle was viewed by the site's visitors more than any other celebrity hairstyle during February 2009. Ms. Simpson's various beauty and hairstyle photos are published at the site along with over 170 other popular female celebrities.
Simpson, who has focused her recent public appearances on live musical performances, had the most sought after hairstyle by BeautyRiot's February audience. Nicole Richie, January's Best Tressed according to visitors, came in at second place, and fellow songstress Kimberly Caldwell, of "American Idol" fame, came in third.
"Jessica Simpson is an undeniable beauty with one of the best heads of hair in the business, not to mention her great head for business," said's editor in chief, Kirsten Lambertsen. "Her personal accomplishments, and her courage to be herself despite outside pressure, resonate with BeautyRiot's audience."'s visitors also viewed the hairstyles of Katie Holmes, Ashlee Simpson and Rihanna, who came in at fourth, fifth and sixth place, respectively. Statistics were gathered from site traffic to during February 2009. Visitors to the site can view over 600 photos of celebrity hairstyles worn by over 170 different celebrities.
Källa: Sweetkisses

1:a Mars, LAX Airport
Jessica har anställt sin gamla personliga tränare..
..Mike Alexander. Hon säger att hon har alldeles för svårt att motstå skräpmat som t ex friterad kyckling och nachos. Så Jess är tillbaka på en strikt diet och det sägs att hon övervakas dynget runt för att hon inte ska fuska.
Frågan är om detta stämmer eller om media bara vill ha rubriker??

Frågan är om detta stämmer eller om media bara vill ha rubriker??

16:e Februari, Jess och Ashlee i Bel Air
De ser verkligen annorlunda ut båda två på nåt vis. Känner knappt igen någon av dom. Men grymt snygga är dom iaf :D

Tony och Jessica på Da Silvano i New York
Här är en liten video med Tony och Jess :)
14:e Februari, Jess lämnar hotellet
13:e Februari, Ye Waverly Inn
13:e Februari, Jessica och Tony på romantisk lunch
12:e Februari, Jessica och Tony i New York
Älskar den rosa kjolen :D underbar.

Madison Square Garden
På konserten igår hade Jess på sig ett par shorts och en relativt lång slimmad svart tunika. Under en annan spelning på samma plats hade nämligen Jessicas jeans en gång gått sönder så hon ville vara säker på att detta inte skulle hända ikväll.
Konserten var antagligen grym som alltid och så fort videos kommer upp så postar jag dom här såklart!
Såhär sa Jess: "So I wanted to wear something tonight that I knew wouldn't split!," skrattade hon.

Konserten var antagligen grym som alltid och så fort videos kommer upp så postar jag dom här såklart!
Såhär sa Jess: "So I wanted to wear something tonight that I knew wouldn't split!," skrattade hon.

Dolly Parton säger ifrån
Även Dolly säger nu ifrån i vikttjafset mot Jess. Och hon har så rätt när hon pratar om att Jess har fått ta så otroligt mycket skit och gliringar från media och även från andra kollegor. Pink är en av de artister som stör sig på Jessica, iaf om man ska tolka en av hennes videos och även So What låten, där hon sjunger om att restaurang personalen gav hennes bord till Jessica Simpson..
Academy of Country Music Awards, Forts...
Här är en video på Jessicas framträdande på The Early Show där hon framför låten Pray Out Loud.
Hon är sjukligt grym live, det är de inte mång artister som är!
Hon är sjukligt grym live, det är de inte mång artister som är!
Academy of Country Music Awards
Jessica uppträdde för första gången i Live TV sedan viktmobbnings framträdandet. Pray out loud var låten hon framförde.
Hon verkade vara väldigt trött på vikthetsen och sa till journalisterna: "Honestly, I am right where I'm supposed to be. I am so happy," sa Simpson. "Right now I'm on tour with Rascal Flatts, having a blast. We're at Madison Square Garden tomorrow. Everybody's just been so warm and welcoming. Lots of hugs, I like that ... Texas style." är sjukt segt och det går inte bra och uppdatera bloggen. Men jag återkommer!

Hon verkade vara väldigt trött på vikthetsen och sa till journalisterna: "Honestly, I am right where I'm supposed to be. I am so happy," sa Simpson. "Right now I'm on tour with Rascal Flatts, having a blast. We're at Madison Square Garden tomorrow. Everybody's just been so warm and welcoming. Lots of hugs, I like that ... Texas style." är sjukt segt och det går inte bra och uppdatera bloggen. Men jag återkommer!